Women's Business Journal


Michelle McCormick's Biz Tips
The CEO of Soar 2 Success International and former Black Hawk helicopter pilot almost failed flight school because her instructor didn't think women should fly. Her commanding officers loved to tell her “little girl, you're wasting my time,” with a sneer. And after she left the Army because of an injury, a renowned motivational speaking coach said her story wasn't different enough to succeed on the circuit.
And yet now she is a successful CEO of a professional training and publishing company, giving keynote speeches around the country, teaching and inspiring female veterans and military personnel to consider entrepreneurship.
She considers three things to be among the most important tips she learned as a pilot, that are relevant to her success as a female entrepreneurship.
Read those tips and the rest of the article here.

Michelle Tenzyk Opens Up
Tenzyk was Tiffany & Co.’s global director of training and development when she was hospitalized for a crippling depression.
It was 1994 when the doctors forced her to leave her job — which "began for me a 20-year period where (depression) has been the undercurrent of my corporate and business life,” Tenzyk said.
It also became a motivation. And she's now an advocate for airing out the secrets that so often cripple us.
That was the thought behind her “Truth Behind Our Titles” global movement: an effort that aims to transform the conversations we have about the private challenges that affect our corporate lives – so we can find our own personal power, realize our unique potential and inspire other professional men and women to do the same. At speaking events — the first of its kind, she believes — women bravely reveal, many for the first time, the personal challenges that have greatly impacted their careers. The issues range from domestic abuse to complete burnout to grappling with a childhood spent homeless. Tenzyk hopes the event will inspire other women to feel more comfortable discussing their own struggles — if not with a group, with a professional.
Michelle is now President of East Tenth Group, an HR consulting company.

Big Day for Wendy Pardee
The Children’s Institute of Pittsburgh, an independent, nonprofit leader in pediatric rehabilitative services, education, and human services, selected Dr. Wendy Ann Pardee as President and CEO of the organization, effective August 7, 2017. On April 9, 2019, Pardee and the Institute announced Vision 2023.
“Vision 2023 is the culmination of an extensive process by our Board of Directors and organization leadership to update our strategic plan,” explains Wendy Pardee, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Children’s Institute. “This is a pivotal time for our organization as we face challenging decisions and consider new opportunities in the unrelenting pursuit of our mission.”
Using principles outlined in Vision 2023, The Children’s Institute will continue its work to strengthen families and empower individuals with special needs. It will also forge new paths to succeed through our components: Outpatient Physical Health Services, Outpatient Behavioral Health Services, The Day School, and Project STAR.
Read the article here.